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Meet our team

Dr. Stamatis Drosos ND, DO

Dr. Stamatis Drosos was born on the island of Kos on 04/28/1983.


Since his childhood, he has been professionally involved in sports (400 meters track and field) and amateurishly in Chinese martial arts. He has immersed himself in and been taught by distinguished teachers in the areas of Western and Chinese Philosophy including psychology, the energy of the human body (chi) and spirituality. ​


Along the way he found passion in Personal Training and Medicine (Western and Chinese). As a result, he became a private trainer and therapist to professional athletes while simultaneously studying Traditional Ancient Greek and Chinese Medicine. He was also trained in other modern therapeutic and holistic techniques of the human body and psychology. ​

Today, he is an Osteopath - Chiropractor and Naturopath and maintains his Center in the area of Agia Marina in Kos.

"My goal is to help you live a life free of pain, but full of wellness, longevity and vitality!"
- Dr. Stamatis Drosos

Myriam Karamatziani Drosou OT, TCM

Myriam was born and raised in Kos. From a very young age she had a passion and interest for nature, herbs and natural remedies. Starting from elementary school, several years of health problems pushed her to explore new ways of thinking and to look for other ways of treatment beyond the classical medical-pharmaceutical model.She started making her own cosmetics and healing mixtures, paying attention to her diet and the products she was using.


The love she had for helping people led her to study Occupational Therapy at the University of Western Attica. Afterwards, he met Dr. Drosos, who became her mentor and teacher and taught her the Natural Health Sciences and introduced her to the world of holistic therapies.

Today, she studies Traditional Chinese Medicine while simultaneously working with her husband, Dr. Drosos, at their Center in Agia Marina in Kos.

"My goal is to help you know and understand the amazing ability of man to heal himself in the ways that nature has provided him!"
- Myriam Karamatziani Drosou
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